Mutual Fund
OTG Latin America Fund
U.S. Investors
Shareholder Services (888) 716-7116
To open or add to an account, complete an application and mail it with your investment to:
c/o Commonwealth Fund Services, Inc.
8730 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 205
Richmond, VA 23235
Private Equity
AR Expansion Fund
U.S. Investors
Call OTG Asset Management LTD 1(214)628-0506
For more information or inquiries, call OTG Asset Management LTD at 1(214)628-0506 or email us at
Private Fund
OTG Cayman Latin America Fund
Non-U.S. Investors
Shareholder Services 1(214)628-0506
To open or add to an account, complete a Subscription Agreement and mail it with your investment to:
c/o Formidian Corp.
633 Rogers St, Suite 106
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Separately Managed Accounts
for Non-U.S. Investors
Call OTG Asset Management LTD 1(214)628-0506